Saturday, January 24, 2009

Why is this anyone's business?

January 24th 9:30am

Let me be honest. I've never fully understood why many of the details surrounding a woman's labor and delivery process become public news. However, after two of my own children and numerous births of nieces, nephews, and friends, I've realized that for some reason, the state of the cervix is a critical piece of information to publish.

Therefore, at 9:30 the initial cervical exam shows 3cm dilation, 50% effacement. Ultrasound shows that thankfully BB#3 isn't breach anymore. The head is down and ready for business.

Stay tuned. . . Pitocin starts now.


  1. I don't care about that stuff. I care about the health & comfort of Chrita and the baby and the nerves of the rest of the family.....and the name.....don't forget the name. :)

  2. If you want, I can give you reasons to pass on each of those names. But you may not care if your son has the same name as as a "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" TV series character.

  3. Only 3 cm?

    I could have gone places and done things in life with a name like Ace . . . I am imagining it right now and it is amazing.

  4. Good luck guys! Can't wait to see pictures of him.

  5. Hooray! Keep up the good work.

  6. This is kind of nice - you have something to do!

  7. 2+ hrs with no new posts? I know they are checking her every hour or so.

  8. I think we need a live audio feed from the room.

  9. Dream on Chad! Go Christa go! Brigham, it is 1 pm, where is our minute by minute update!
