Welcome to Room 2, 4th Floor, Pavilion Building, University of New Mexico Hospital.
This will be the first address for BB#3 (still doesn't have a name, keep the votes and suggestions coming), albeit for a short period of time.
We're getting checked in, we've met our nurse Tamara (pronounces differently than our Tamara--Tuh-maw-ra), and we're getting asked a bunch of questions about organ donation and medical power of attorney--great way to calm the nerves.
Speaking of nerves, I think we're every bit as excited about this as previous Dastrup Family births, but the nice thing is that the anxiety level is significantly lower. Experience is nice.
Getting checked in and settled isn't so bad- it's when they put in the IV. I hate that thing! Maybe it's the first introduction to pain- maybe it's the realization that this is really happening. I don't know. Christa you look great! Mikayla's vote is for Xander. Tyler likes the name Jeremy. I like Ty. All cute names.
ReplyDeleteThe IV is the worst part? I thought, you know, the birthing would be up there.
ReplyDeleteYes, anyone thinks that the IV is the worst part obviously doesn't know a thing about what women through the ages have experienced!